
Friday, December 4, 2020

Digital Citizenship

 Kia Ora Readers!

In digital citizenship we have been working on lots of things. Digital citizenship is probably the most busiest work we have been working on. Digital citizenship is not all about digital and all things like that, in can happen and talked about in real life. The activities I remembered doing was: Invisible ring, the dot, zig and curly stories. The invisible ring was for if we would act different online vs in real life. And the dot and zig, and curly stories was if we could make decisions if this or that was right or not. And of course there a bunch more things we have been discussing about, some online, and some are talked about in real life. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Plastic pollution

 Kia Ora Readers!

Last week in Miss Mcleods inquiry group we have been working on pollution we are now up to Plastic Pollution. We had to do the same thing as all the other pollution. I learned that plastic is in ordinary items that we use such as a tennis ball the outside of it is plastic, it is surprising that our ordinary things actually has actually plastic. We have also watched a video about what things cause it. 

Here is my DLO! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Carnivorous Plants

Kia ora Readers!

Yesterday in Miss Mcleod's reading group in David Walliams we have been doing a KWL, and research about Carnivorous plants. I had no clue what it meant but when I carefully read it, It said "Carnivorous"  so it was definitely a meat-eating plant. Then we were given some options of what carnivorous plants there were, there were pretty ones. So I chose Pinguicula, butterwort. It was a very interesting name so i chose it. 

Have you ever seen carnivorous plants before?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sea Turtles

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few weeks in Miss Mcleod's writing group we have been working on our information report, we have have our choices of endangered animals we could do our research on but for my final choice I chose sea turtle because I thought it would be cool what they do and how they became endangered. But we had to do alot of research from that animal we chose and then we had to move on into our actual information report about that animal.

Have you ever researched about any endangered animals?

Sea Turtles are Dying They Need Our Help!

Have you ever seen sea turtles? 

Sea Turtles are one of the largest turtle species. They are unique from the patterns their shells have. But they have a risk of dying of getting stuck in nets and plastic pollution. They are being dragged in the water, which means they do not have access to the surface which are causing them to drown. 


Sea turtles come in different range of green colours, as well as their sizes depending if they are fully- grown or still a newborn. They have webbed feet so it makes it easier for them to swim. They have claws to grip under the sea floor, and for females they use it to move along the beaches. And their height is 6-9 ft long and they weight about 700kg.


Fully grown sea turtles are herbivores which means they feed on plants. They like to hang around coral reefs to scrape of the sea grapes and algae. But some of them are omnivores and which means they eat pretty much anything. Also it is terrifying that they eat jellyfishes. They have a sawlike beak that breaks off algae of rocks and tear grasses and seaweeds.


Sea turtles live almost in every ocean except antarctica as it is too cold for them. They like the deep open water, unlike the other turtle species. It is surprising that they lay their eggs on land and leave them to develop on their own.


Overall, Sea turtles are important to our eco system. Sea turtles play a role by keeping our sea grass, and coral reefs healthy. They are dying from being stuck in nets, and plastic pollution. If sea turtle die then our sea grass, and coral reefs will also die.

Land Pollution

Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few weeks, in Miss Mcleod's inquiry group, we have been working on pollution. We have also been doing DLO about them. Now we are up to land pollution, first we had to do a sheet about what causes it, then we had to watch a video, then we had to create a DLO.  It was pretty hard because there were many things we had to do for our DLO. But it was also kinda easy because I had a couple of ideas in my head. 

Have you ever learnt about Pollution?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Causes of water pollution - Inquiry

 Kia Ora Readers! 

For the past few weeks we were learning about Air pollution but today we are learning about Water pollution and what causes it. First we had to get a buddy and plan what causes water pollution.  Then we went to watch a video. After that we were given an activity, it was a bit difficult at first because there weren't other things I could think of but I remembered what it said in the video. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Athletics Day!

 Kia Ora Readers!

Today was athletics day, the year, 4, 5, and 6 seperated into boys and girls. There were plenty of things we could do. But the worst part of them all was long distance because we had to run for 5 laps. I came 3rd place for long distance I was pretty happy. For long jump I fell forward like a frog a couple of times, the funniest part was that I fell backwards and got sand all over me, it was quite embarrassing. 

Then we did shot put, discuss and high jump I didn't really like it but yeah. Then the last thing was Fun relays, it was so much fun because we were able to play a couple of games like: Sack race, egg in a spoon, running backwards, race and a running race. But when we got back into the classroom I was really tired and sweaty. 

Have you ever done any of these? 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Maths- Problem of the week

 Kia Ora Readers! 

Yesterday in Maths we have been doing our problem of the week. We have done this for a couple of weeks now.  Basically the teacher gives you a problem to solve with a buddy or independent. And then we would share our ideas with buddies then do another problem showing us how to solve it in a different ways. And then after that we would create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about it.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Dragon race - Free hand writing

 Hey readers,

Today is the last term and we are meant to blog and finish our work that we haven't  finished. In reading when we have just finished the movie wonder we got to do some free writing, we had to go to the site and find the picture we are going to write about but you don't have to. You can choose anything to write about. I chose a picture with dragons and thought it could be a dragon race since it was free writing.  I had set up things that I can do so that it can be prepared for a the free writing. 

Have you ever done the same picture that I did? or Have you ever wrote the same topic? You might need to zoom in to read it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dot art

Her readers,

For the past week in Miss Mcleod's art group we have been doing dot art. First we checked some ideas so that we could get ideas on how to do our dot art. But before we could start on our actual art we had to do a planning sheet so that we could practice our dots like the smaller ones and big ones. We also had to choose our colors but we could only pick four colors, I picked different shades of blue but for my actual art I decided to change the colors and design a little bit. This time I chose the color blue, yellow, pink and white. 

Have you ever done dot art before? Was it fun?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Describe a Moment in time

Hey Readers,

 For the past week in Miss McLeod's Reading group we have been working on our moment in time, so that we are ready for our easttle test and this is our second one.  First we had to plan our words . Then we had to make a copy of the document so we could start doing our plan and our writing. We had to describe all the things that are happening in the picture, it's just like we are looking out of the window so we had to stay away from the words like: we, I and anything to do with ourselves. Also we had to worry and think about the past and present- tense.

What I found hard and challenging was that I had to think about as many sentences that was happening in the photo. I would say that I found nothing easy, but at least it was worth it when it actually comes during the real test.

Opinions and pros and cons -Gaming addiction

Hey Readers,

For the past week in Miss McLeod's Reading group we have been doing pros and cons in gaming addiction. Our teacher put us in buddies  I was put with a boy so that we could make sure that we could be focused with our work. We had to create slides to write about what are the pros and cons of gaming and also we had to write our opinions if gaming is good or bad for you. And also we had been learning about things like: Is gaming addiction a problem. And many other things about gaming addiction.
What I found challenging was that I had to work with a boy which I don't usually work or do with.
What I found easy was me doing my own thing.

Food- Inquiry

Hey Readers,

For the past couple weeks in Miss McClelland's inquiry group (foods) we have been working on muesli bars. What we have been doing is the packaging and the company name. Me and my group have finished our boxes for our muesli bars. Now we are getting our company name printed so that we could stick the name on the box. Then Miss McClelland took us in to cut the food so we could have it ready for tomorrow. What I found easy was my friends kinda helped me, what I found hard that I had to do mostly all the work.

Here is the final result for our box

Thursday, August 27, 2020

To inform

Hey readers,

Past few weeks ago we were doing to inform, we had different choices for what topic we want to do. The teacher also explained what we had to do, we had to do a lot of research about the topic we are going to do. Before we had to do our paragraphs we got given out burger planning sheets, then get on with the real topic. What I found really hard was that we did a lot of research, and I also got really confused because we don't know if the thing we searched was giving the real fact or not. What I found easy was doing the plans. I was a bit too late to publish this because I either forgot to blog it or I was busy.

Mobile Phones

Hey Readers,

Couple of days ago we were reading about a text for, why that phones are important and why they are not important. Today the teacher told us to do reasons for/ against- having a mobile phone, it was a google document we had to do. It was a bit tricky because I can't give really think of reasons for having a phone and why people shouldn't. I did five each reasons because if I did ten reasons it would be way harder.

Writing, To persuade- Don't you think that children should do homework?

Hey Readers,

Couple of weeks ago in writing we have been doing persuading. This is the second to persuade we have done, we had options for what we could do for the persuading. I did, that children should do homework. The fact I did it was I had multiple reasons/facts for it. But before we could start our paragraphs, we had been given out a burger planning sheet and give out three facts why you think this is important. Then after that we had to do the actual thing. What I found really hard, was that you have to give out so many facts about it and so many opinions, the other hard part was that you needed to fix so many mistakes. What I found easy was that everything was explained easily to me.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Muesli Bar designing- Food/ technology

Hey Readers,

Today in Miss McClelland's technology group (foods) we had to do a muesli bar design booklet for athletics day. Inside the booklet we had to do a company name ours was called scrumptious, the teacher also said that we can design our own logo, the main purpose of this muesli bar is for athletics and how can we make the muesli bar more healthier and taste good than the store bought muesli bars.

Since kids are doing the athletics we also had to make sure we made the best packaging into what kids like also when it comes to the food. For our next session is where we make our muesli bar, but we make it healthier than the store bought muesli bars.

Here is the logo we've been working on.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020


For the past few weeks we have been working on our pick a path stories and comics but first we had to get our Pick a path story done then we could work on our comics. For the first comic we made is about our Bucket list and we are only supposed to have six slides. After that you need to make a comic about making a quality blog comment, and after that you could make a school friendly comic (any choice). For the first one I have made is a Comic about what we have in our "Bucket List".


On Arts we did a copy for our faces, First the teachers took a photo us then we had to put a straight line using our rulers, then we had to cut out the background then we had to stick it on an A4 piece of paper while drawing our copy on the other side piece of paper after that we had to stick it on a large piece of paper. The teacher gave us the words that describe us that we made on our google document. Then after that we can cut out the words and stick it on to the larger piece of paper. Then we can put it on our blog!