
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Music through the decades

 Kia Ora readers! 

For the past few weeks we have been working on "Music through the decades" basically we are researching about musics/songs from 100 years ago, we also watched a couple of videos that was recorded back then, and the singers were singing songs that was popular back then. I really like songs from back then because it gives me vibes, and some of my favourite ones were: "Tonight You Belong To Me" and it was sung by the Lennon Sisters, and the other song I liked was: "Dominique" and it was again sung by the Lennon Sisters. Some of these songs might be recognisable if you are a person who listens to olden days songs. 

The teacher then told us to blog about which song was my favourite from the decades. This is what I mean: Do I like the song from back in the 1950's? Something like that. Here is my favourite one, you can read it because it has some information about it, and maybe you might notice some of your favourite singers or some familiar ones that your parents might listen to :D 

As you can see I like the musics from the 1930's because one of my favourite singer is Judy Garland because she is a great singer, and what about you? Do you have any favourite singers or songs that is on there? Maybe you can comment and leave your opinion! :) And thanks for reading this.    

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Kia Ora Readers!

Last week on Wednesday in our Hurumanu class we did count the beat, this time we learnt some stuff about a ukulele if you don't know what that is, it is basically a mini guitar. We even got a chance to play it and learn the notes from a YouTube video. We also watched 4 other YouTube videos watching people play a ukulele. Some people already knew how to play the ukulele  so some of them were teaching us, but some didn't know so they had to watch the videos. I also want to learn how to play it, and there are also a variety amount of instruments I would also like to learn. 

Something I found difficult was strumming the ukulele because it was hurting my fingers, I didn't find anything easy because this is my first time trying to play a ukulele. And I didn't know that much about it 

Here are somethings about the ukulele if you didn't know already: 

And here is the tutorial you can watch if you don't know how to play: 

Thank you for reading my blogpost! Maybe you can leave a comment/ your opinion if you learnt anything :)

Monday, June 21, 2021

Count the beat 3

 Kia ora readers! 

For the past two days we were working on some slides about guitars, before we got to work, our teacher shown us some different types of guitars and their different parts of the guitars. And the fun part was that we even got to watch what the different guitars sounded like. 

I don't really know anything about guitars, in fact I don't even know how to play with it, but I'm looking forward to know how to play it. When I watched what the guitars sounded like, the finger-picking guitar  was my favourite because it sounded so calm. 

Reading Task

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few days in our Hurumanu classes with BN we have been out into reading groups to do different tasks for reading, sometimes I don't get enough time to finish my tasks and that is because of ESOL where I miss one period of class and do something else, and we would normally have all these posted to our blogs. The task that was set for group 3 was "How to be normal" it was a very interesting article to read about, it talked about a girl named "Charly" and how she thinks she is different from the rest because of the way people look at her. 

Here is a link to my work: How To Be Normal

And if you would like to read the article here is the link to it: Article Link

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Kia ora readers!

For the past few weeks we have been working on stomp, we had to work on groups for this to be able to work. The actual purpose of stomp is to find objects to make a beat, or just use an instrument itself (but we weren't allowed) The instruments we used were, rulers, tissue box, stool , and scissors. We evolved our music by the help of our teacher because I actually struggled trying to find a beat, but we had to make it original and not from any other musics. 

Something that went well was that our group encouraged to try find the perfect beat/music that we made. After that we practised trying to do it because we are going to get recorded by our teacher. But when we listened to it, it didn't turn out how we wanted it to be, but it's alright because we put some effort trying to make the beats.