
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Group problem solve?

Today in Miss Goslin's math's  group we did a group problem solve what we had to do examples of the question then we had to put T or F for true or false and we also had to get into buddies and my buddy was Lavanda. I also had to read the question and the teacher s it down in the whiteboard and here is the work I did.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Broken: Rock, Paper and scissors

In Miss Williamson's literacy class we did an activity called Broken rock, paper, scissors.
First we had to do is to watch the movie and then we have to pick a character and my character was paper and  I had to do do a story of her.

I found it really hard to do it but it was also fun to do it.

Here is the work I did.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Position, Directions & Coordinates

In math's we have been learning about directions We had to write directions and instruction on the grid and your buddy has to do the directions that you write down. After you have done all the instructions and the directions you have to go outside and test your buddy (Robot) they have to move directions and you have to call out the instruction you made and your buddy will turn degrees and  horizontal and vertical movements.

It was fun to do it I enjoyed doing the work

Here is the grid I made.
And here is the photo of me and my buddy testing out the directions.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Identity activity

In Miss Williamson's literacy group we did an identity activity what we have to do is we have to go to google drawing we had to put a picture of our self by using shapes and around us we have to put what is about us like our identity.

I was happy how it turned out because I think I did good.

The next task was putting the picture that we made is another google drawing and write another identity about us then we have to blog about it.

Here is the picture I made about our identity.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Brain teaser

Today in math's we did a brain teaser  it was called Zios and Zepts.
It was a tricky brain teaser so we had to think really hard how many Zios and Zepts I was happy that someone helped me with work. So here is the work I did.

I was happy how it turned out

Friday, June 14, 2019

Mini beast unicorn boots

Today we did a poster of a mini beast shoes so I did a unicorn boots which I was happy with I think it turned out really good.

So here is my photo that I had. Here is the boots I like it so much because I also like unicorns

Minibeast activity

Today we watched a caterpillar shoe video so what we have to do is to make a pair of shoe for the mini beast activity I did a pair of boots that are a unicorn and it took a lot of time for me to make  the pair of boots.

I was working with my friend  Eduarda did a purple boots with blue and pink hearts.

I enjoyed doing my work because it was fun. Here is the boots I made
  It also have a sentence of how I would sell the boots!!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Best friends not forever - buddy writing

In Miss Williamson's literacy class we did a story that was a made up. So we had to be in buddies and my buddy was Eduarda I was thinking if we could do a story about Diglett but Eduarda don't want to do it so we decided that we will do best friends not forever.

We only had thirty minutes to finish our work we only did a bit the story because we can't think of that much and we had to share our work to everyone luckily we had fifteen minutes to finish our work.

We added a bit more to the story. We made it more interesting.

Here is the story we made I hope you like it. What was your favorite part of the story?

Alter It

Today in Cybersmart we did Alter it so what we have to do is that we had an image of us and some other private stuff we had to blur the things that are private and we also had to cover our face in emoji. My favorite part was the one that has the cute dog on it. What picture do you like?

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Stop Motion

Today in Cyber Smart we did stop motion.So the teacher showed us what to do,
 then the teacher told us to get our pencil case and we have to get our stuff out for our stop motion.

So the stuff I got is a pencil and a pencil sharpener so we have to plan what stop motion moves we want to have and I thought that I will do a sharpener sharpening a pencil My friend also thought that idea is going to be so cool.

Here is the stop motion video I made.