
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sea Turtles

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few weeks in Miss Mcleod's writing group we have been working on our information report, we have have our choices of endangered animals we could do our research on but for my final choice I chose sea turtle because I thought it would be cool what they do and how they became endangered. But we had to do alot of research from that animal we chose and then we had to move on into our actual information report about that animal.

Have you ever researched about any endangered animals?

Sea Turtles are Dying They Need Our Help!

Have you ever seen sea turtles? 

Sea Turtles are one of the largest turtle species. They are unique from the patterns their shells have. But they have a risk of dying of getting stuck in nets and plastic pollution. They are being dragged in the water, which means they do not have access to the surface which are causing them to drown. 


Sea turtles come in different range of green colours, as well as their sizes depending if they are fully- grown or still a newborn. They have webbed feet so it makes it easier for them to swim. They have claws to grip under the sea floor, and for females they use it to move along the beaches. And their height is 6-9 ft long and they weight about 700kg.


Fully grown sea turtles are herbivores which means they feed on plants. They like to hang around coral reefs to scrape of the sea grapes and algae. But some of them are omnivores and which means they eat pretty much anything. Also it is terrifying that they eat jellyfishes. They have a sawlike beak that breaks off algae of rocks and tear grasses and seaweeds.


Sea turtles live almost in every ocean except antarctica as it is too cold for them. They like the deep open water, unlike the other turtle species. It is surprising that they lay their eggs on land and leave them to develop on their own.


Overall, Sea turtles are important to our eco system. Sea turtles play a role by keeping our sea grass, and coral reefs healthy. They are dying from being stuck in nets, and plastic pollution. If sea turtle die then our sea grass, and coral reefs will also die.

Land Pollution

Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few weeks, in Miss Mcleod's inquiry group, we have been working on pollution. We have also been doing DLO about them. Now we are up to land pollution, first we had to do a sheet about what causes it, then we had to watch a video, then we had to create a DLO.  It was pretty hard because there were many things we had to do for our DLO. But it was also kinda easy because I had a couple of ideas in my head. 

Have you ever learnt about Pollution?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Causes of water pollution - Inquiry

 Kia Ora Readers! 

For the past few weeks we were learning about Air pollution but today we are learning about Water pollution and what causes it. First we had to get a buddy and plan what causes water pollution.  Then we went to watch a video. After that we were given an activity, it was a bit difficult at first because there weren't other things I could think of but I remembered what it said in the video.