
Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Kia ora readers!

For the past few weeks, here in art we have been focusing on "Jungle Mono-print" and "Colour pencil Dinosaur compositions" How the Jungle Mono-print works is you get a variety of different colours of paint and put them on this plastic sheet, and then you get a piece of paper and put it on top of the paint (make sure not to press hard, otherwise the paint will imprint on to the paper with no partner) Next you are going to lay your colour pencil dinosaur composition on top of the paper, next thing is you're going to trace the leafs, by pressing hardly, so this way, the leafs you trace imprint onto the paint, by pressing hard. (Sorry if it doesn't make sense because I don't really know how to explain this properly) Then after that carefully lift both of the papers of the paint, and then there you go, you made a leaf imprint onto the paper. 


Both of them was kind of complicating (in my opinion) especially the Jungle Mono-print since it took me three tries to make it look good for my perspective, because the aim was basically to make the leaf imprint visible, rather than just seeing random colours that has transferred onto the paper. My thoughts on the Colour pencil Dinosaur compositions, it was kind of boring because all we did was trace dinosaurs and leafs onto the paper and colour them, plus it took a while to get done, maybe the approximate to get it done was about 4 days (2 weeks) since we have art every week for 2 days. 

Here is the ones I did: 

This is the First Jungle Mono-Print I did (You can see that there's barely any leaf print)

This is the second Mono-Print I've done (Now you can see one leaf that has actually imprinted)

This is the last attempt I've done (You can see more leafs has transferred onto it)

And this is the colour pencil dinosaur composition ;)

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Advertisement - Slowing Down The Sun

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past week we started a new topic about Myths And Legends, we talked about the ones here in New Zealand then later on we were listing down a few countries to start Myths and Legends for. We mostly just listed a bunch of different countries, but the one I chose was Japan because I was able to find a lot of interesting Myths. But, for now we are working on the Myths and Legends on Maui and The Sun. What we had to do is finish off activities in this google slides, I was only able to finish quite a few, but then after that we were told blog our work, we don't have to blog about the whole thing since no one finished everything that quickly. The one I decided to blog about was a small advertisement of who can be the next person to pull the sun so they could slow it down. (Warning: The number I put on there is something I just had to make up since the activity told me to do that, please don't actually try calling the number, because I have a fear that it's actually someones number)

The thing I enjoyed was that we got told that we were working around Myths and Legends, because I was actually hoping we would do one of these cause' I find it really interesting, and hopefully we would be able to work around on other countries so I could find out about their beliefs in these sorts of things. And I also liked using Canva to create my advertisement poster. What I wasn't really enjoying was that we only got to do a country of the teachers choice, it's not like it's a bad thing, but I'd like it if we were able to work on other countries after this one, like I said I wanna know more about peoples beliefs in these sort of things, and it's really fun to do these kind of research. 

Anyways, here is my small poster of Advertisement. (Also I'm not really good at advertising but I really tried my best on this) Hope you enjoy! 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Art - Henri Rousseau

 Kia ora readers!

For the past week, we have been talking about art from Henri Rousseau and talking about the jungle prints, we have also been learning about: Background, Middle-ground, fore-ground and all those sorts for the basics. But first, we had to warm, up which is like draw a jungle, and watch a video to get to know about Henri R. If you don't know who he is, he goes to a botanical garden in Paris and studied the plants and zoo animals there, and fun fact he's never been to a jungle or forest, that's why he goes to a botanical garden. 


Repetition: Repeated use of image, shape or colour. This can help create unity in Art

Background: The information you see as the furthest away in an art image. 

Middle ground: The area between the foreground and the background. 

Foreground: The information you see as the closest to you in Art image. 

Mono: one, single. 

Print: A copy. A transfer of pigment from one surface to another. Here we use it to make Art work. 

Foliage: leaves of a plant, leafage. 

Flora: Plants of a region or era. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff - Kiwi Birds and Stoats

 Kia ora readers!

This is our third part of Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff. This time we are asked to read from pages 17-22, the one that caught my eyes were about Kiwis and Stoats, the description said: "Did you know 95% of Kiwi chicks die before 6 months old, some of them are killed by Stoats" I used Canva again because I didn't have to guts to use other apps, because Canva is the most app I was comfortable with. Like last time we were encouraged to use other editing apps rather than google draw, docs or slide presentations. 


What I mostly enjoyed was researching about the Kiwis and Stoats and getting into more of like an investigation, I enjoyed it just like the others because it included about research, but this one is probably the one I enjoy the most it's because its about our native animal. What I didn't enjoy was that I had to write down some notes on a piece of paper and write them out in my own sentences. 

Here is my poster that has some facts and statements about the Kiwi and Stoats. ( Zoom in to read please )

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff - Eels

Kia ora readers!

For the last few days we have been creating DLO's from the book Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff. There is a lot of things we can research about that is on the book, and each week/day we got to read from specific pages. For yesterday and today we got to read from pages to 11-16 and see what we can research about, the one that caught my eyes were long finned eels, or just eels specifically. I can tell you the other pages are better because they have even more of items/things I can research about. 

 Here is my DLO that I created. 

(Zoom in, to read the DLO)

What I thought about this was it was pretty fun because I thought that I found a bit more that interests me. What I didn't enjoy is the fact I only had 1 hour to work on this because of ESOL, but overall I think I did a lot better than I would most of the times. 

What about you? Do you know any other facts about long finned eels, or eels by itself? 


Kia ora readers!

I have had two terms of drama in this year and term 3 drama is one of my favourite one because the teacher got us to play lots of games, do a mini script play and watch videos. And we also got to talk about theatre style/genres. Something that I found challenging was trying to remember all the style/genres that we were supposed to learn, I also found some games challenging because some I didn't knew but some I did.

The games we played:

  • JFK
  • Wink murderer
  • Blindman
  • YOU
  • Hide n seek 
What theatre style/genre did you learn about?
I'm not sure what I learnt about but the one I enjoyed was definitely Comedy, because it's the most entertaining one that I found, it wasn't funny but I did get a couple of giggles. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Making Hokey Pokey

 Kia ora readers!

This week we will be making hokey pokey, but we will unfortunately make it on Friday just because we are making this blog post today. The reason we won't do it today is because when we make the hokey pokey, we won't have enough time to make this blog post on the same day we try to make the hokey pokey. 


I want to find out how to make hokey pokey. 


Find three videos: Funny, How to make Hokey pokey and science of Hokey Pokey. 

How to make Hokey Pokey:

Science of Hokey Pokey (basically how to make it but it has some scientific stuff): 

Funny Version: 


  • Pot
  • 5 tablespoons of Sugar
  • 2 tabelspoons of Golden Syrup 
  • 1 tablespoon of Baking Powder (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate)
  • Wooden Spoon for mixing 
  • Stove or Bunsen burner 
  • Baking paper 
  1. Get all of your equipment ready and gather them in one spot 
  2. Set up your Bunsen Burner  (Yellow Safety)
  3. Put your pot on the Bunsen Burner on the tripod and use the blue flame
  4. Add the sugar and golden syrup to the pot.
  5.  Mix with the wooden spoon
  6. Stop mixing and turn of the Bunsen when the sugar begins to boil 
  7. Add the Baking Powder and mix
  8. Pour the mixture onto the baking paper
  9. Let it cool 