
Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past 2 weeks we have been doing inventions, this is my second slide of my choices. If you check out what I have been up to at my blog you'll see that the first one of the choices I chose was "Instant Coffee" for my second one I chose EasiYo, it is about a Scientist that invented it to make easier for people to make yogurt easier and healthier. I feel like this one was a bit more easy than the other one because the other one included lots of reading to find out this and that. But the same time, for this one it was also a bit hard because we had to create a package design of how our yogurts will look like. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis

Kia Ora Readers!


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into different solutions.  


I predict that they are gonna grow if you put them into the water for quite a long time. 



  • 4x gummy bear of the same colour 
  • 2x Petri dishes
  • Paper Towels
  • Marker pen
  • Water
  • Sugar Water
  • Salt water 
  • Electronic balance 
  • Beaker
  • Measuring Cylinder 
  • Safety Goggles 


  1. Get Your equipment
  2. put on your safety glasses
  3. Using the marker, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DRY, WATER, SALT WATER, SUGAR WATER. 
  4. Weigh the gummy bears and write the weight on the petri dish.
  5. Measure 4ml of the solution and pour it into the petri dish 


This is before the experiment:

Results after 4 days:
DryWaterSalt WaterSugar Water
Initial Weight of Gummy bear5.445.565.465.57
Final Weight of Gummy bear5.194.985.146.63
Weight Difference
Initial Volume40mL40mL40mL
Final Volume3mL4mL5mL
Water Loss373635

What is Osmosis?
  1. Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.


 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few days we have been looking into inventions we had so many options for who invented this and that, this is my first one, but for this one I chose Instant coffee, in the article/Story it had all the questions in there, and some activities we could do. But some the first question I didn't really understand so I had to ask the teacher, so I found that part challenging because I didn't know. But the last activity was also pretty hard because we had to create an idea for people to believe that David Strang really created the instant coffee. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Skittles Colour Experiment - Science

 Kia Ora Readers! 


I want to find out what happens when I put Skittles into water. 



  • Skittles 
  • Petri Dish
  • Warm water 
  • Beaker 
  • White background/surface

    1.Get equipment
    2.Put 8 Skittles in the petri dish.
    3.Spread the Skittles out evenly on the petri dish.
    4.Gently pour warm water in the middle of the petri dish.
    5. Don't overflow the petri dish. 
    6. Observe and record on what happens.

I think I will see, colours spread out, and it will all be colourful and the Skittles will lose colour like it was bleached.

From this:

To This:
My thoughts were correct.
I saw the colours ran into each other, and spread out like it was a rainbow. 

  1. The colours dissolved. Dissolve means when a solid mixes into a liquid creating a solution.
  2. The colour spread in the water. The colours were concentrated and diffused (Moved) to area there was no colour. 
  3. The colours did not mix. The colours had different solubilities 


 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past two weeks we have been looking at some inventions the topics were: How cars changed the world, The steamed power cars, and super bike. The first one I have finished is called The Steamed powered Car

The Steamed powered car  - Pat Quinn Other title: Steamed Engine 

Two brothers designed the first steam powered car in 1906.

Replace The Words But Keep The Meaning

The following sentence comes from the text. Your job is to rearrange/add in/replace some of the words with other words you know. Make sure the original meaning of the sentence stays the same.

"Now that the cost of petrol has risen over the years, and the air is becoming polluted with fumes, a steam powered car could be the car of the future."

The Introduction Information

1. Change the title of the text but make sure it is still a suitable title yet an interesting title. 

New Title: 

Steamed Engines

2. State what ‘Genre’ the text is. Is it a play, story, article etc? 


3. List the Author/s and Illustrator/s of the text. 

By Pat Quinn 

4. In a paragraph, write a short synopsis/review of what it was about.

It was about, how steamed powered cars were made and the quality of it. And how it was performed.  And it talked about every single little details that were put for any preventions.

Would you buy one?

Would you own and drive a steam powered car?  Why/why not?

In my opinion I wouldn’t buy or own a steam powered car because the toxic fumes release toxic gases, and release a huge amount of pollution. And not just that it could sometimes be dangerous especially the ones that were first made in 1906. 

What are the pluses and minuses to the steam powered car? 

The minuses of a steam powered car people had to buy them all in cash no deposits were allowed.  They also refused to make an advertisement about the car. The pluses of a steamed powered car is that it turns on easily compared to any other cars. And it had a built in safety device to prevent the boiled from exploding. 

Sports Hero

 Kia Ora Readers!

Last week we were talking about sports hero this time we had to do some research on our sports hero, I did Kobe Bryant and Irene van Dyk because they both inspired me. We did some stuff in what makes someone a sport hero. It didn't have to be a specific sport that we liked to play such as Netball, Basketball etc. 

I also learnt so much interesting and cool things about those two sports hero. I enjoyed doing some research about them. And what makes them my sports hero it is because they have done so much good things, and shown resilience. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Earthquake heroes

 Kia ora Readers!

For the past week we have been doing some work from the Christchurch 2011 earthquake. I have worked on a DLO all about the 2011 earthquake. I also did some research on who were the heroes that saved others, and how big the magnitude was. 

185 people died and 164 were severely damaged. But good thing is that a lot of people helped such as the SVA (Student Volunteer Army), Dr. Bryce Curran, Senior Fire Fighters and more people. The earthquake magnitude was at a level of 6.3, unlike the 2010 earthquake it was measured at a point of 7.4 magnitude level which is higher.