
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kiwi Bird - create a collage

For the past few weeks on cyber smart we had to do a collage of an animal that relates to New Zealand animals. What we had to do is to use a material and an image to create a type of animal in google drawings using Explore.

The animal I decided to use was a Kiwi Bird I thought it would be much easier to create using materials I found. It was kinda hard to find the fur for it but I found the one that I really like.

Here is my work I hope you like it!

I made it a night theme because I thought it would look cool.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today in Mrs Mcguinniety homeroom we did some timetables. What we did was we had to answer how long journeys take, there were three questions  each some of them were just slightly hard and some are not.  We had to rule out a table, The other box said " Station" and the other one was called " "Departure time".

What I found really hard was answering some of the hard questions and what I found easy was doing the things that was easy.

Here is my work! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

fraction snake

For the past few days Miss Goslins math group has been learning about fractions. We had to put 2 different colours on each line of blocks for example (3/8) then we had to take a photo of each line of blocks and type in what the fraction question is. This is my work for doing fraction's.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A food that I have never tried but would like to eat-Spring learning journey

In Spring Learning Journey we had to do some activities and challenges.I have been trying to complete most of the challenges and this is my second one, and it is called create a food that I have never tried but would like to eat. 

It was a fun challenge to do, but what I found hard was that I have to think of a food that I have never tried, and what I found easy was the food that I have thought of was pretty easy to make.

Here is my work! I hope you like it.

Friday, September 27, 2019

10 healthy food that I have never tried- Spring learning journey

Today is the end of term 3 and we had to do a Spring Learning Journey, what we had to do is to complete all 20 challenges to win a prize at the first start of term four. 

The first challenge that I did was name 10 healthy food that you have never tried.
What I found hard about it that I have tasted couple of vegetable and fruits and i can't think of any other else.

Here is my work!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

World's longest pizza recipe

Yesterday in collabrative literacy we looked at a picture and facts about the world's longest pizza. We had to make the recipe on how to make the world's longest pizza and how many ingredients you need.
What I found really hard was how many flours or ingredients we need. 
And this is the work i did.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Yesterday in Mrs.Mcguinniety homeroom we did five things to love, care and what would you do if you feel stressed. But we had to trace our hand on an A4 pice of papers and do five things in our hand about  love, care and what would you do if you feel stressed.

What I found hard is that I have to color and cut my hands but I think I did a good job on my hands  and this is what I did.

Friday, September 13, 2019


From last week we worked with Mrs.McGatehouse. Mrs.McGatehouse put us in to two buddies, and my buddy was Kristhel. The teacher gave us a statistics book and the page was called Fasi's Winter Graph.

We had to make a graph for Fasi's winter graph and how many eggs she layed in whole one week. There was also some question's some of them are easy but some of them are not.
The third one was very hard to answer and so as the fourth one,because we had to make another graph but this time it was called Fasi's Summer Graph.

What I found really hard is that we had to answer all the question's and make another graph.

Here is my work but it was not fully finished, I hope you like it.

Friday, September 6, 2019

weekly wrap

In our homerooms we had to do a weekly wrap and what I chose to do is PB4L, reading and assembly. We had to do all those things in a site called canva. and here is what mine looks like.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Weekly Wrap

In Mrs Mcguinnity homeroom space we did a weekly wrap of what we did this week and last week.
We had to go on canva and think about three things about what we did and I did math, cybersmart and inquiry.

My work was not finished fully because I could not find the photo for the other two things.
Here is the work I did.

I hope you liked it

Friday, August 9, 2019

Mission to Mars

We were challenged to research and plan a Mission to Mars. We watched Nasa videos. We read lots of articles about space travel and Mars.

We learnt what humans need to survive on Mars: Oxygen, food, house, protection from radiation, heat/warmth and entertainment,

I worked on how to get water and how to keep your food fresh.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Landing on the moon

In Miss Williamson's literacy group we had to write about the first person who landed on the moon.
Miss Williamson talked about when the first person who landed on the moon, and it was on
July 21 1969 it was a very olden day.

Miss Williamson told us to write about the first person who landed on the moon.
We had to choose three choices to write about and I chose the one that landed on the moon.

Here was the work I did. I hope you like it.


Today we have been learning how to use Venngage to make a poster. We just started making these and so my poster is not finished yet. do you like what I have done so far?

Friday, July 5, 2019

Matariki- The seven stars

In Miss Williamson's literacy group we did a re-tell story of the seven stars so we had to get into buddies and my buddy was Eduarda we decided that we would do a slide show but Eduarda said it was to hard to do it so we just did the re-tell story in the document so that it was easier, we really enjoyed our work.

Here is the work we did

My Pepeha

In the last 10 weeks we did our pepeha. So what we have to do is we have to do the person in our family but we have to do our self last in the slide we made. First I got some images in the google but the teacher said we have to create our own pictures, but it was also really hard by creating our own characters but it was also really fun to do it.

Next what we have to do is our river and our mountain it took a hard time to do it, I didn't have time to do my river and mountain

Here is the work I did

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Group problem solve?

Today in Miss Goslin's math's  group we did a group problem solve what we had to do examples of the question then we had to put T or F for true or false and we also had to get into buddies and my buddy was Lavanda. I also had to read the question and the teacher s it down in the whiteboard and here is the work I did.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Broken: Rock, Paper and scissors

In Miss Williamson's literacy class we did an activity called Broken rock, paper, scissors.
First we had to do is to watch the movie and then we have to pick a character and my character was paper and  I had to do do a story of her.

I found it really hard to do it but it was also fun to do it.

Here is the work I did.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Position, Directions & Coordinates

In math's we have been learning about directions We had to write directions and instruction on the grid and your buddy has to do the directions that you write down. After you have done all the instructions and the directions you have to go outside and test your buddy (Robot) they have to move directions and you have to call out the instruction you made and your buddy will turn degrees and  horizontal and vertical movements.

It was fun to do it I enjoyed doing the work

Here is the grid I made.
And here is the photo of me and my buddy testing out the directions.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Identity activity

In Miss Williamson's literacy group we did an identity activity what we have to do is we have to go to google drawing we had to put a picture of our self by using shapes and around us we have to put what is about us like our identity.

I was happy how it turned out because I think I did good.

The next task was putting the picture that we made is another google drawing and write another identity about us then we have to blog about it.

Here is the picture I made about our identity.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Brain teaser

Today in math's we did a brain teaser  it was called Zios and Zepts.
It was a tricky brain teaser so we had to think really hard how many Zios and Zepts I was happy that someone helped me with work. So here is the work I did.

I was happy how it turned out

Friday, June 14, 2019

Mini beast unicorn boots

Today we did a poster of a mini beast shoes so I did a unicorn boots which I was happy with I think it turned out really good.

So here is my photo that I had. Here is the boots I like it so much because I also like unicorns

Minibeast activity

Today we watched a caterpillar shoe video so what we have to do is to make a pair of shoe for the mini beast activity I did a pair of boots that are a unicorn and it took a lot of time for me to make  the pair of boots.

I was working with my friend  Eduarda did a purple boots with blue and pink hearts.

I enjoyed doing my work because it was fun. Here is the boots I made
  It also have a sentence of how I would sell the boots!!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Best friends not forever - buddy writing

In Miss Williamson's literacy class we did a story that was a made up. So we had to be in buddies and my buddy was Eduarda I was thinking if we could do a story about Diglett but Eduarda don't want to do it so we decided that we will do best friends not forever.

We only had thirty minutes to finish our work we only did a bit the story because we can't think of that much and we had to share our work to everyone luckily we had fifteen minutes to finish our work.

We added a bit more to the story. We made it more interesting.

Here is the story we made I hope you like it. What was your favorite part of the story?

Alter It

Today in Cybersmart we did Alter it so what we have to do is that we had an image of us and some other private stuff we had to blur the things that are private and we also had to cover our face in emoji. My favorite part was the one that has the cute dog on it. What picture do you like?

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Stop Motion

Today in Cyber Smart we did stop motion.So the teacher showed us what to do,
 then the teacher told us to get our pencil case and we have to get our stuff out for our stop motion.

So the stuff I got is a pencil and a pencil sharpener so we have to plan what stop motion moves we want to have and I thought that I will do a sharpener sharpening a pencil My friend also thought that idea is going to be so cool.

Here is the stop motion video I made.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How to make a great fortune teller

In Miss.Williamson literacy class we made a fortune teller so we created a medium sized fortune teller
and we decorated it with some cool designs.

We decorated the fortune teller by using colored pencils and felts.

Here are some instructions on how to make a fortune teller.

Link to my work

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pigeon Impossible

In Literacy today we watched a short move called Pigeon Impossible. The movie was about a very mysterious pigeon who tried to steal a bagel. Walter, the secret agent that needed his mission.He stopped the explosion of the rocket but didn't exactly what he wanted it.We had a choice of four tasks.
They were wanted pigeon, Comic strip, a Newsletter and write another mission for Walter.
My choice was the Wanted Pigeon and I had to create a poster with a pigeon that says wanted and I also included What's his name/What he is wanted for/The address/The date when the pigeon was seen/Reward.

Cola pool

In Miss Goslin math's group we watched a video about a coca cola pool and they filled the pool with bottle of coca cola's. So we have to guess how many bottles of coca cola that's been filled in the pool.

And i think they poured 657 cola bottles.

here is the video. of the coca cola pool

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Book creator

On Miss.Williamson's literacy we did a can do and we did book creator.
So we have to create a book and we have to make a story about it and what happened.

And I made a book called The unicorn who has rare magical powers.

I made the book fun and creative for kids to read. So here is the image of the book that i created.

So here is the book I hope you liked it.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What number does not belong

We have been learning about numbers and their place value
so how to play is you get four numbers and you try get the old number out. This is mine. Comment Down below how you would this out at what it is.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

My perfect hiding spot.

In my literacy we played hide'n seek and here is my hiding spot.
So I hid under the table in the teacher's space I liked the space where I hid because there is more room in the corner so that no one would find me.

Monopillar Author: Alan Horsfield

The book I'm reading is called: Monopillar. We are learning to look more deeply at the character. My opinion of this book is I like it because the story of the book is really telling if it's real or not.

The main character of this book is name is Jason he loves to play electronic games and he just believe himself.

The activities sheet helped me out to understand the book and the character
because the sheet asks some question for me to help understand the book and the

My favorite part of the book is chapter 7 And it's called Metamorphosis because the part of the story of the book is like more of an adventure.

Hide'n seek outside

In my literacy group we played hide' n seek here is my hiding spot
        So I hid behind a thick tree and i like  how i hid behind the because it was tall and thick not like the other thin  tree

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Learning hockey

Today we played hockey we had to go in a semi circle. And then we had to choose
a hockey stick that is a perfect size like up to our belly button.And then get a ball.

First we practiced how to hold a hockey stick.

Then we practiced how to dribble around the semi circle.I got a little dizzy.

Next we did dodge it was fun and cool.

After dodge we learned how to keep the ball to our hockey stick. We had to imagine that the ball was stuck in to the stick.

I think it was challenging because I learned how to play hockey properly.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Amazing super kid

In Cyber Smart we have been learning about shortcut keys. This week we had to screenshot of all about me and create a blog poster for my all about me.

It was also challenging because we had to make a catchy title.

I was proud of how it turned out.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

This week on inquiry we all did all about me/ Introducing us. I found it really fun because it was challenging. We also did our self portrait and it was also really fun and challenging.