
Thursday, August 26, 2021


Kia Ora readers!

I hope you guys are at home and staying safe! Today one of our school tasks to do was an origami, what we had to do is go to YouTube and find an origami that we would like to do. The one I found was called a Mini envelope origami and another separate one is a mini book origami that its perfectly in the envelope. Then our next task to do was find a video tutorial + a picture of how yours turned out and upload it onto here so others can try it out!

                                     (If you'd want the book to be smaller, grab a smaller paper)
I actually had fun making these and it is so cute, here is how mine turned out. That's it guys! Stay safe <3

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Bacteria's at School

Kia Ora readers!


I want to find out where the dirtiest and contaminating places at school. 


These are 2 videos of science of bacteria and how to swab surfaces.



  • Petri Dish 
  • Cotton Tip 
  • Marker Pen 
  • Sellotape 
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Divide your plate using a marker (2) - Table, faucet 
  3. Label the sections with what you swab 
  4. Take a cotton tip and swab a surface 
  5. Gently swab the agar jelly 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Kerri Welsh Jennings

 Kia Ora readers!

For this past week we have been working on the Olympic Games, the first one was the one where we had to connect the puzzles and make a screencastify video of what we learnt about it (one of my posts last week) this time we had to choose which one was our favourite Olympian and we had to create 5 or more slides about them like: Reference, photos, notes and the title that includes their name and where they came from. 

The one I chose is Kerri Welsh Jennings and she is a beach volleyball player, I chose her because volleyball is one of my favourite sports, that's all the information I'm gonna give you because most of them is in the slides I already made. 


After seeing that what Olympian do you like? 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Ginger Beer

 Kia Ora readers!


I want to find out how to make a ginger beer. 


Here are three YouTube clips of Tasting ginger beer, how to make ginger beer and how yeast ferments drinks. 



  • Ginger beer 
  • Sugar 
  • Lemon 
  • Warm Water 
  • Yeast  
  • Spoon
  • Plastic Cup 
  • Kettle (For the lukewarm water)
  1. Put 4 table spoons of yeast into your cup 
  2. Put 1 tablespoon of sugar in your cup
  3. Pour in the lukewarm water halfway into the cup 
  4. Mix it around
  5. Leave it for 10 minutes 
  6. Put in some ginger powder
  7. Squirt some lemon or lemon juice 
  8. Let it sit for 2-3 days 
Here is a picture of how mine turned out:
It tasted sour because the ginger powder sank to the bottom of the cup, it smelt sour again because of the lemon juice I put in. And it looked like a light yellow but some of the others looked like a dark yellow. 

If you do make one make sure to mix it after because the ginger powder will sink to the bottom of the cup.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Olympic Games Worksheet puzzle

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past two days we have been working on the Olympic Games worksheet puzzle, group 4 had to do a novel study which left 1,2,3 doing the worksheet puzzle. The teacher said we could either do it in a group or individual, I chose individual because I for sure know that if I did it in a group I'd get distracted, and probably end up doing nothing. The worksheet puzzles had different types of questions about the Olympic Games, and the fun thing was we got to draw and colour. 

After we have finished the worksheet puzzle, we had to cut it out and glue it to a paper and connect it like how a puzzle would work, then we were told to make a screencastify about it, and what we learnt about it. (Screencastify not finished yet sorry).

What I enjoyed with these sessions is that I got to learn something new from the Olympics now and then, because I'm not really into sports. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Hot Chilli tasting

 Kia Ora readers! 


I would like to find out if milk really does help reduce the burn of the hot sauce.


Here is 2 videos I found of people reacting to chilli and the science of chilli


  • Hot Sauce
  • Toothpick
  • Stopwatch 
  1. Get all of your equipment 
  2. Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce 
  3. Suck the hot sauce off the toothpick 
  4. Start timing 
  5. Stop timing when it stops burning


The chilli sauce was so so  hot that I felt like I almost died and it felt like my mouth was on fire. I had my mouth on the tap because it wont stop 

 (Coke) It went away at 1:40


(Milk) It went away at 1:37

Blind Taste Testing

 Kia Ora Readers!

Aim: My aim is to find out what unknown foods while I am blind folded. 

Research: Here is a video to find out how our tasting works. 



  • Blind Fold 
  • Unknown foods
  1. Get Your equipment 
  2. put your blindfold on 
  3. Taste test the food
  5. Guess what your food is 
  6. Record your observations in a table chart 
Food 1 
When I ate the food it was chewy and sticky, I blocked my nose but I still tasted something, lt tasted like an orange and it was a sweet flavour. 
Food 2
The next one was citric acid, it tasted tingly and kinda salty for me, but I blocked my nose and it still tasted very strong, but then when I unblocked my nose it tasted even stronger. 
Food 3
The next food was baking powder, I thought it was sugar or flour, but it tasted kind of bitter and it tasted disgusting for me. 
Food 4
The next food was salt, I didn't like the taste because it was too much for me and it tasted like saliva mixed with salty things. 
Food 5
The next food was sugar, it was not too sweet but it tasted really good 
Food 6 
The next food was called Sherbet with no flavour, it started bubbling on my tongue and it tasted like it was salty and sour.