
Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Kia ora readers!

For the past few weeks, here in art we have been focusing on "Jungle Mono-print" and "Colour pencil Dinosaur compositions" How the Jungle Mono-print works is you get a variety of different colours of paint and put them on this plastic sheet, and then you get a piece of paper and put it on top of the paint (make sure not to press hard, otherwise the paint will imprint on to the paper with no partner) Next you are going to lay your colour pencil dinosaur composition on top of the paper, next thing is you're going to trace the leafs, by pressing hardly, so this way, the leafs you trace imprint onto the paint, by pressing hard. (Sorry if it doesn't make sense because I don't really know how to explain this properly) Then after that carefully lift both of the papers of the paint, and then there you go, you made a leaf imprint onto the paper. 


Both of them was kind of complicating (in my opinion) especially the Jungle Mono-print since it took me three tries to make it look good for my perspective, because the aim was basically to make the leaf imprint visible, rather than just seeing random colours that has transferred onto the paper. My thoughts on the Colour pencil Dinosaur compositions, it was kind of boring because all we did was trace dinosaurs and leafs onto the paper and colour them, plus it took a while to get done, maybe the approximate to get it done was about 4 days (2 weeks) since we have art every week for 2 days. 

Here is the ones I did: 

This is the First Jungle Mono-Print I did (You can see that there's barely any leaf print)

This is the second Mono-Print I've done (Now you can see one leaf that has actually imprinted)

This is the last attempt I've done (You can see more leafs has transferred onto it)

And this is the colour pencil dinosaur composition ;)

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Advertisement - Slowing Down The Sun

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past week we started a new topic about Myths And Legends, we talked about the ones here in New Zealand then later on we were listing down a few countries to start Myths and Legends for. We mostly just listed a bunch of different countries, but the one I chose was Japan because I was able to find a lot of interesting Myths. But, for now we are working on the Myths and Legends on Maui and The Sun. What we had to do is finish off activities in this google slides, I was only able to finish quite a few, but then after that we were told blog our work, we don't have to blog about the whole thing since no one finished everything that quickly. The one I decided to blog about was a small advertisement of who can be the next person to pull the sun so they could slow it down. (Warning: The number I put on there is something I just had to make up since the activity told me to do that, please don't actually try calling the number, because I have a fear that it's actually someones number)

The thing I enjoyed was that we got told that we were working around Myths and Legends, because I was actually hoping we would do one of these cause' I find it really interesting, and hopefully we would be able to work around on other countries so I could find out about their beliefs in these sorts of things. And I also liked using Canva to create my advertisement poster. What I wasn't really enjoying was that we only got to do a country of the teachers choice, it's not like it's a bad thing, but I'd like it if we were able to work on other countries after this one, like I said I wanna know more about peoples beliefs in these sort of things, and it's really fun to do these kind of research. 

Anyways, here is my small poster of Advertisement. (Also I'm not really good at advertising but I really tried my best on this) Hope you enjoy! 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Art - Henri Rousseau

 Kia ora readers!

For the past week, we have been talking about art from Henri Rousseau and talking about the jungle prints, we have also been learning about: Background, Middle-ground, fore-ground and all those sorts for the basics. But first, we had to warm, up which is like draw a jungle, and watch a video to get to know about Henri R. If you don't know who he is, he goes to a botanical garden in Paris and studied the plants and zoo animals there, and fun fact he's never been to a jungle or forest, that's why he goes to a botanical garden. 


Repetition: Repeated use of image, shape or colour. This can help create unity in Art

Background: The information you see as the furthest away in an art image. 

Middle ground: The area between the foreground and the background. 

Foreground: The information you see as the closest to you in Art image. 

Mono: one, single. 

Print: A copy. A transfer of pigment from one surface to another. Here we use it to make Art work. 

Foliage: leaves of a plant, leafage. 

Flora: Plants of a region or era. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff - Kiwi Birds and Stoats

 Kia ora readers!

This is our third part of Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff. This time we are asked to read from pages 17-22, the one that caught my eyes were about Kiwis and Stoats, the description said: "Did you know 95% of Kiwi chicks die before 6 months old, some of them are killed by Stoats" I used Canva again because I didn't have to guts to use other apps, because Canva is the most app I was comfortable with. Like last time we were encouraged to use other editing apps rather than google draw, docs or slide presentations. 


What I mostly enjoyed was researching about the Kiwis and Stoats and getting into more of like an investigation, I enjoyed it just like the others because it included about research, but this one is probably the one I enjoy the most it's because its about our native animal. What I didn't enjoy was that I had to write down some notes on a piece of paper and write them out in my own sentences. 

Here is my poster that has some facts and statements about the Kiwi and Stoats. ( Zoom in to read please )

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff - Eels

Kia ora readers!

For the last few days we have been creating DLO's from the book Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff. There is a lot of things we can research about that is on the book, and each week/day we got to read from specific pages. For yesterday and today we got to read from pages to 11-16 and see what we can research about, the one that caught my eyes were long finned eels, or just eels specifically. I can tell you the other pages are better because they have even more of items/things I can research about. 

 Here is my DLO that I created. 

(Zoom in, to read the DLO)

What I thought about this was it was pretty fun because I thought that I found a bit more that interests me. What I didn't enjoy is the fact I only had 1 hour to work on this because of ESOL, but overall I think I did a lot better than I would most of the times. 

What about you? Do you know any other facts about long finned eels, or eels by itself? 


Kia ora readers!

I have had two terms of drama in this year and term 3 drama is one of my favourite one because the teacher got us to play lots of games, do a mini script play and watch videos. And we also got to talk about theatre style/genres. Something that I found challenging was trying to remember all the style/genres that we were supposed to learn, I also found some games challenging because some I didn't knew but some I did.

The games we played:

  • JFK
  • Wink murderer
  • Blindman
  • YOU
  • Hide n seek 
What theatre style/genre did you learn about?
I'm not sure what I learnt about but the one I enjoyed was definitely Comedy, because it's the most entertaining one that I found, it wasn't funny but I did get a couple of giggles. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Making Hokey Pokey

 Kia ora readers!

This week we will be making hokey pokey, but we will unfortunately make it on Friday just because we are making this blog post today. The reason we won't do it today is because when we make the hokey pokey, we won't have enough time to make this blog post on the same day we try to make the hokey pokey. 


I want to find out how to make hokey pokey. 


Find three videos: Funny, How to make Hokey pokey and science of Hokey Pokey. 

How to make Hokey Pokey:

Science of Hokey Pokey (basically how to make it but it has some scientific stuff): 

Funny Version: 


  • Pot
  • 5 tablespoons of Sugar
  • 2 tabelspoons of Golden Syrup 
  • 1 tablespoon of Baking Powder (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate)
  • Wooden Spoon for mixing 
  • Stove or Bunsen burner 
  • Baking paper 
  1. Get all of your equipment ready and gather them in one spot 
  2. Set up your Bunsen Burner  (Yellow Safety)
  3. Put your pot on the Bunsen Burner on the tripod and use the blue flame
  4. Add the sugar and golden syrup to the pot.
  5.  Mix with the wooden spoon
  6. Stop mixing and turn of the Bunsen when the sugar begins to boil 
  7. Add the Baking Powder and mix
  8. Pour the mixture onto the baking paper
  9. Let it cool 

Friday, September 24, 2021

What is a base

An acid is a liquid that had Hydrogen atom that can react.
For example:
  • Nitric Acid               HNO3
  • Sulfuric Acid            H2SO4
  • Hydrochloric Acid    HCI 

A base is the opposite of an acid and has OH (Hydroxide) that can react. 

When an acid and a base react, they NEUTRALISE (cancel out) each other. 

Where do you find acids?
  1. Oven CLeaner
  2. Caustic Soda
  3. Drainers 
  4. Toothpaste 
Litmus colour 
  • Red 
  • Blue

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Willow Trees

 Kia ora readers!

Last week we have been working on Flora and Fauna. We read a book that has some things that we can research about, the one that caught my eye was about Willow Trees, I did that one because I found it the most interesting of how when you pour poison in it, it won't harm any animals or plant, instead they will continue sheltering the fishes and other creatures until other plants takes its place. And I'm also not really into plants. 

We had to create a DLO for this but trying out different apps such as: Canva, Biteable, Powtoon and such and such, because a lot of people would usually use Google drawing or google slides. 


I enjoyed researching about Willow Trees, because I'm not really a huge fan of plants. What I found something different from using Canva is I can't really edit much unless I use the templates they provide because I'm not used to other apps besides Google drawings or Google Slides. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

What is an Acid?

Kia Ora readers!


Names of acid:

  • \Hydrochloric Acid 
  • Sulfuric Acid 
  • Nitric Acid  
Formulae of Acids:
  • HCl
  • H2SO4
  • HNO3
Where do you find acids?
  • Plaque Acid on your teeth
  • Stomach Acid if Hydrochloric Acid
  • Battery Acid is Sulfuric Acid
  • Lemons and Oranged have Citric Acid
  • Vinegar contains Acid 
  • Bee-Stings have Formic Acid
  • Coca-Cola has Carbonic Acid 
What is an Acid?
  • An acid contains Hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance. 
Litmus Colour:
Litmus Paper changes colour in acid, it changes to a RED colour. 

Red Cabbage Indicator

 Kia ora readers!


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid. 



  • Beaker
  • Red Cabbage
  • Hot water 
  • Dropper 
  • Test Tubes 
  • Different samples for testing 

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Rip the cabbage into small pieces and put them into the beaker 
  3. Add about 100mL of hot water into the beaker
  4. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes
  5. Get 2 test tubes and put both the hydrochloric acid and the Hydroxide along with the red cabbage water. (It should turn pink or bright green/yellow)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Message in a bottle

 Kia Ora readers! 

Yesterday we have been set a task to, write about A message in a bottle, the stuff we had to do were: Where has the bottle been found? Who found it? Who wrote the letter? Why was the letter written? What does the letter say? It wasn't easy for me because I couldn't come up with an idea of how to start the story. Here is the story I made. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Making Sherbet

Kia ora readers!

Today in science we are going to be making sherbet, we were supposed to do something else but we missed almost 3 weeks of class. 


I want to learn how to make sherbet.

Here is a video of how to make sherbet: 



  • Icing sugar and Raro
  • Cup or any other sort of container
  • Citric Acid or Tartaric Acid
  • Baking powder
  • Popsicle stick 
  • Teaspoon 
  1. Get all of your equipment ready 
  2. Add one teaspoon of sugar/raro to the cup
  3. Add half a teaspoon of acid to the cup
  4. Add half a teaspoon of baking powder to the cup
  5. Mix with the stick
  6. Taste the sherbet and adjust the flavour 
What happened in the cup? Nothing happened in the cup, but it did turn pink because of the raro.
What happens in your mouth? My mouth starts sizzling and it felt foamy in my mouth.

The scientific word for fizzing is effervescence.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Activity 5

 Kia ora readers!

I have been looking at different activities/tasks and one caught my eye, it was to interview everyone in your family what their favourite place in the country is. I also put why they like that country in a small sentence. 

Here it is! 

Make sure to comment down below what your favourite country would be! And mostly stay safe!! <3

Thursday, August 26, 2021


Kia Ora readers!

I hope you guys are at home and staying safe! Today one of our school tasks to do was an origami, what we had to do is go to YouTube and find an origami that we would like to do. The one I found was called a Mini envelope origami and another separate one is a mini book origami that its perfectly in the envelope. Then our next task to do was find a video tutorial + a picture of how yours turned out and upload it onto here so others can try it out!

                                     (If you'd want the book to be smaller, grab a smaller paper)
I actually had fun making these and it is so cute, here is how mine turned out. That's it guys! Stay safe <3

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Bacteria's at School

Kia Ora readers!


I want to find out where the dirtiest and contaminating places at school. 


These are 2 videos of science of bacteria and how to swab surfaces.



  • Petri Dish 
  • Cotton Tip 
  • Marker Pen 
  • Sellotape 
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Divide your plate using a marker (2) - Table, faucet 
  3. Label the sections with what you swab 
  4. Take a cotton tip and swab a surface 
  5. Gently swab the agar jelly 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Kerri Welsh Jennings

 Kia Ora readers!

For this past week we have been working on the Olympic Games, the first one was the one where we had to connect the puzzles and make a screencastify video of what we learnt about it (one of my posts last week) this time we had to choose which one was our favourite Olympian and we had to create 5 or more slides about them like: Reference, photos, notes and the title that includes their name and where they came from. 

The one I chose is Kerri Welsh Jennings and she is a beach volleyball player, I chose her because volleyball is one of my favourite sports, that's all the information I'm gonna give you because most of them is in the slides I already made. 


After seeing that what Olympian do you like? 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Ginger Beer

 Kia Ora readers!


I want to find out how to make a ginger beer. 


Here are three YouTube clips of Tasting ginger beer, how to make ginger beer and how yeast ferments drinks. 



  • Ginger beer 
  • Sugar 
  • Lemon 
  • Warm Water 
  • Yeast  
  • Spoon
  • Plastic Cup 
  • Kettle (For the lukewarm water)
  1. Put 4 table spoons of yeast into your cup 
  2. Put 1 tablespoon of sugar in your cup
  3. Pour in the lukewarm water halfway into the cup 
  4. Mix it around
  5. Leave it for 10 minutes 
  6. Put in some ginger powder
  7. Squirt some lemon or lemon juice 
  8. Let it sit for 2-3 days 
Here is a picture of how mine turned out:
It tasted sour because the ginger powder sank to the bottom of the cup, it smelt sour again because of the lemon juice I put in. And it looked like a light yellow but some of the others looked like a dark yellow. 

If you do make one make sure to mix it after because the ginger powder will sink to the bottom of the cup.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Olympic Games Worksheet puzzle

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past two days we have been working on the Olympic Games worksheet puzzle, group 4 had to do a novel study which left 1,2,3 doing the worksheet puzzle. The teacher said we could either do it in a group or individual, I chose individual because I for sure know that if I did it in a group I'd get distracted, and probably end up doing nothing. The worksheet puzzles had different types of questions about the Olympic Games, and the fun thing was we got to draw and colour. 

After we have finished the worksheet puzzle, we had to cut it out and glue it to a paper and connect it like how a puzzle would work, then we were told to make a screencastify about it, and what we learnt about it. (Screencastify not finished yet sorry).

What I enjoyed with these sessions is that I got to learn something new from the Olympics now and then, because I'm not really into sports. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Hot Chilli tasting

 Kia Ora readers! 


I would like to find out if milk really does help reduce the burn of the hot sauce.


Here is 2 videos I found of people reacting to chilli and the science of chilli


  • Hot Sauce
  • Toothpick
  • Stopwatch 
  1. Get all of your equipment 
  2. Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce 
  3. Suck the hot sauce off the toothpick 
  4. Start timing 
  5. Stop timing when it stops burning


The chilli sauce was so so  hot that I felt like I almost died and it felt like my mouth was on fire. I had my mouth on the tap because it wont stop 

 (Coke) It went away at 1:40


(Milk) It went away at 1:37

Blind Taste Testing

 Kia Ora Readers!

Aim: My aim is to find out what unknown foods while I am blind folded. 

Research: Here is a video to find out how our tasting works. 



  • Blind Fold 
  • Unknown foods
  1. Get Your equipment 
  2. put your blindfold on 
  3. Taste test the food
  5. Guess what your food is 
  6. Record your observations in a table chart 
Food 1 
When I ate the food it was chewy and sticky, I blocked my nose but I still tasted something, lt tasted like an orange and it was a sweet flavour. 
Food 2
The next one was citric acid, it tasted tingly and kinda salty for me, but I blocked my nose and it still tasted very strong, but then when I unblocked my nose it tasted even stronger. 
Food 3
The next food was baking powder, I thought it was sugar or flour, but it tasted kind of bitter and it tasted disgusting for me. 
Food 4
The next food was salt, I didn't like the taste because it was too much for me and it tasted like saliva mixed with salty things. 
Food 5
The next food was sugar, it was not too sweet but it tasted really good 
Food 6 
The next food was called Sherbet with no flavour, it started bubbling on my tongue and it tasted like it was salty and sour. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Shaping Up - Hurumanu

 Kia Ora Readers!

In Term 2 we have been doing shaping up along with Miss Bremners class, if you don't know what shaping up is, it is basically different mixes of Maths like learning about geometry, polygons, lines and angles, mapping and all sorts of those stuff. This has been one of our busiest Hurumanu classes I have ever been, because we wouldn't do something like this that often, like last term. 

Our teacher told us what our favourite Maths work is and blog it my favourite one is the mapping because we got to do so much activities. In the fact it is not only ONE we got to do, we got to do about 7. My favourite part about the mapping one is the Pirate Map Grid Reference because I got to write down the stuff in my book, and that is one of my favourite things to do. 

What I didn't really enjoy doing is the other maths work except for the mapping, because it was so hard to get some of them finished. And what I enjoyed was getting all my work done and writing on my book. 

If you'd like to challenge your-self you can try one of the mapping works I got to do! :D 

Maybe you can leave a comment if you think it was easy or kind of hard ;D 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Music through the decades

 Kia Ora readers! 

For the past few weeks we have been working on "Music through the decades" basically we are researching about musics/songs from 100 years ago, we also watched a couple of videos that was recorded back then, and the singers were singing songs that was popular back then. I really like songs from back then because it gives me vibes, and some of my favourite ones were: "Tonight You Belong To Me" and it was sung by the Lennon Sisters, and the other song I liked was: "Dominique" and it was again sung by the Lennon Sisters. Some of these songs might be recognisable if you are a person who listens to olden days songs. 

The teacher then told us to blog about which song was my favourite from the decades. This is what I mean: Do I like the song from back in the 1950's? Something like that. Here is my favourite one, you can read it because it has some information about it, and maybe you might notice some of your favourite singers or some familiar ones that your parents might listen to :D 

As you can see I like the musics from the 1930's because one of my favourite singer is Judy Garland because she is a great singer, and what about you? Do you have any favourite singers or songs that is on there? Maybe you can comment and leave your opinion! :) And thanks for reading this.    

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Kia Ora Readers!

Last week on Wednesday in our Hurumanu class we did count the beat, this time we learnt some stuff about a ukulele if you don't know what that is, it is basically a mini guitar. We even got a chance to play it and learn the notes from a YouTube video. We also watched 4 other YouTube videos watching people play a ukulele. Some people already knew how to play the ukulele  so some of them were teaching us, but some didn't know so they had to watch the videos. I also want to learn how to play it, and there are also a variety amount of instruments I would also like to learn. 

Something I found difficult was strumming the ukulele because it was hurting my fingers, I didn't find anything easy because this is my first time trying to play a ukulele. And I didn't know that much about it 

Here are somethings about the ukulele if you didn't know already: 

And here is the tutorial you can watch if you don't know how to play: 

Thank you for reading my blogpost! Maybe you can leave a comment/ your opinion if you learnt anything :)

Monday, June 21, 2021

Count the beat 3

 Kia ora readers! 

For the past two days we were working on some slides about guitars, before we got to work, our teacher shown us some different types of guitars and their different parts of the guitars. And the fun part was that we even got to watch what the different guitars sounded like. 

I don't really know anything about guitars, in fact I don't even know how to play with it, but I'm looking forward to know how to play it. When I watched what the guitars sounded like, the finger-picking guitar  was my favourite because it sounded so calm. 

Reading Task

 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few days in our Hurumanu classes with BN we have been out into reading groups to do different tasks for reading, sometimes I don't get enough time to finish my tasks and that is because of ESOL where I miss one period of class and do something else, and we would normally have all these posted to our blogs. The task that was set for group 3 was "How to be normal" it was a very interesting article to read about, it talked about a girl named "Charly" and how she thinks she is different from the rest because of the way people look at her. 

Here is a link to my work: How To Be Normal

And if you would like to read the article here is the link to it: Article Link

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Kia ora readers!

For the past few weeks we have been working on stomp, we had to work on groups for this to be able to work. The actual purpose of stomp is to find objects to make a beat, or just use an instrument itself (but we weren't allowed) The instruments we used were, rulers, tissue box, stool , and scissors. We evolved our music by the help of our teacher because I actually struggled trying to find a beat, but we had to make it original and not from any other musics. 

Something that went well was that our group encouraged to try find the perfect beat/music that we made. After that we practised trying to do it because we are going to get recorded by our teacher. But when we listened to it, it didn't turn out how we wanted it to be, but it's alright because we put some effort trying to make the beats. 


Monday, May 31, 2021


 Kia ora readers!

For the past few weeks BN and AL have been working together on an outstanding project, we firstly worked on our parihaka thing and moved on to the Kate Sheppard. For the Kate Sheppard one we had to read an article and in the end it gave us some questions and some of them included summary questions. 

We had to work hard for this one since I think this one required the most work to do, I was sick for two days which means  I didn't get to do lots for this one and I had to catch up by a lot. But I was very proud of the amount of work I have done. 

The main point of this project is to understand and listen for those people who have done amazing things that have changed the community and to learn the kindness.  And Kate Sheppard is one of them, and she protested New Zealand into convincing that women had the right to vote and not just men. And almost 32,000 men and women signed her petition and agreed to her.  

Also New Zealand was the first country to allow women to vote but back then no other country were able to vote, but if Kate Sheppard never protested, women would still not be able to vote.

Oustanding - Google Docs



Friday, April 16, 2021

The Pavlova

 Kia Ora Readers!

This is my third one for the inventions, the last two I did was the EasiYo, Instant Coffee, and my third one The Pavlova, I did the same exact thing, like putting it in the same slides. But since this is the last term I had to finish this off quicker and faster and make sure I have all designs ready, what I found quite fun was making my own pavlova and using my culture flag as my inspiration. 

Monday, April 12, 2021


 Kia Ora Readers!

This term in drama we have been working on really fun things, and the things we did in drama were, mask making, Script play, hitch hiker. And some extra things we did was warm ups, sometimes story telling. The thing I enjoyed the most this term in drama is the hitch hiker because we got to practise, and rehearse on stage. But the thing we have been working on the most has probably been the bullies script play, because we had a page of script to practise. The thing that I didn't really like was the mask making because, I wasn't able to finish my mask because we didn't have enough time to finish it and I think the ending product looked a bit messy. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past 2 weeks we have been doing inventions, this is my second slide of my choices. If you check out what I have been up to at my blog you'll see that the first one of the choices I chose was "Instant Coffee" for my second one I chose EasiYo, it is about a Scientist that invented it to make easier for people to make yogurt easier and healthier. I feel like this one was a bit more easy than the other one because the other one included lots of reading to find out this and that. But the same time, for this one it was also a bit hard because we had to create a package design of how our yogurts will look like. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis

Kia Ora Readers!


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into different solutions.  


I predict that they are gonna grow if you put them into the water for quite a long time. 



  • 4x gummy bear of the same colour 
  • 2x Petri dishes
  • Paper Towels
  • Marker pen
  • Water
  • Sugar Water
  • Salt water 
  • Electronic balance 
  • Beaker
  • Measuring Cylinder 
  • Safety Goggles 


  1. Get Your equipment
  2. put on your safety glasses
  3. Using the marker, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DRY, WATER, SALT WATER, SUGAR WATER. 
  4. Weigh the gummy bears and write the weight on the petri dish.
  5. Measure 4ml of the solution and pour it into the petri dish 


This is before the experiment:

Results after 4 days:
DryWaterSalt WaterSugar Water
Initial Weight of Gummy bear5.445.565.465.57
Final Weight of Gummy bear5.194.985.146.63
Weight Difference
Initial Volume40mL40mL40mL
Final Volume3mL4mL5mL
Water Loss373635

What is Osmosis?
  1. Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.


 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past few days we have been looking into inventions we had so many options for who invented this and that, this is my first one, but for this one I chose Instant coffee, in the article/Story it had all the questions in there, and some activities we could do. But some the first question I didn't really understand so I had to ask the teacher, so I found that part challenging because I didn't know. But the last activity was also pretty hard because we had to create an idea for people to believe that David Strang really created the instant coffee. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Skittles Colour Experiment - Science

 Kia Ora Readers! 


I want to find out what happens when I put Skittles into water. 



  • Skittles 
  • Petri Dish
  • Warm water 
  • Beaker 
  • White background/surface

    1.Get equipment
    2.Put 8 Skittles in the petri dish.
    3.Spread the Skittles out evenly on the petri dish.
    4.Gently pour warm water in the middle of the petri dish.
    5. Don't overflow the petri dish. 
    6. Observe and record on what happens.

I think I will see, colours spread out, and it will all be colourful and the Skittles will lose colour like it was bleached.

From this:

To This:
My thoughts were correct.
I saw the colours ran into each other, and spread out like it was a rainbow. 

  1. The colours dissolved. Dissolve means when a solid mixes into a liquid creating a solution.
  2. The colour spread in the water. The colours were concentrated and diffused (Moved) to area there was no colour. 
  3. The colours did not mix. The colours had different solubilities 


 Kia Ora Readers!

For the past two weeks we have been looking at some inventions the topics were: How cars changed the world, The steamed power cars, and super bike. The first one I have finished is called The Steamed powered Car

The Steamed powered car  - Pat Quinn Other title: Steamed Engine 

Two brothers designed the first steam powered car in 1906.

Replace The Words But Keep The Meaning

The following sentence comes from the text. Your job is to rearrange/add in/replace some of the words with other words you know. Make sure the original meaning of the sentence stays the same.

"Now that the cost of petrol has risen over the years, and the air is becoming polluted with fumes, a steam powered car could be the car of the future."

The Introduction Information

1. Change the title of the text but make sure it is still a suitable title yet an interesting title. 

New Title: 

Steamed Engines

2. State what ‘Genre’ the text is. Is it a play, story, article etc? 


3. List the Author/s and Illustrator/s of the text. 

By Pat Quinn 

4. In a paragraph, write a short synopsis/review of what it was about.

It was about, how steamed powered cars were made and the quality of it. And how it was performed.  And it talked about every single little details that were put for any preventions.

Would you buy one?

Would you own and drive a steam powered car?  Why/why not?

In my opinion I wouldn’t buy or own a steam powered car because the toxic fumes release toxic gases, and release a huge amount of pollution. And not just that it could sometimes be dangerous especially the ones that were first made in 1906. 

What are the pluses and minuses to the steam powered car? 

The minuses of a steam powered car people had to buy them all in cash no deposits were allowed.  They also refused to make an advertisement about the car. The pluses of a steamed powered car is that it turns on easily compared to any other cars. And it had a built in safety device to prevent the boiled from exploding. 

Sports Hero

 Kia Ora Readers!

Last week we were talking about sports hero this time we had to do some research on our sports hero, I did Kobe Bryant and Irene van Dyk because they both inspired me. We did some stuff in what makes someone a sport hero. It didn't have to be a specific sport that we liked to play such as Netball, Basketball etc. 

I also learnt so much interesting and cool things about those two sports hero. I enjoyed doing some research about them. And what makes them my sports hero it is because they have done so much good things, and shown resilience. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Earthquake heroes

 Kia ora Readers!

For the past week we have been doing some work from the Christchurch 2011 earthquake. I have worked on a DLO all about the 2011 earthquake. I also did some research on who were the heroes that saved others, and how big the magnitude was. 

185 people died and 164 were severely damaged. But good thing is that a lot of people helped such as the SVA (Student Volunteer Army), Dr. Bryce Curran, Senior Fire Fighters and more people. The earthquake magnitude was at a level of 6.3, unlike the 2010 earthquake it was measured at a point of 7.4 magnitude level which is higher. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hands on Fire

 Kia Ora Readers!


This week on science my aim is to safely set my hands on fire. 


  • Safety glasses 
  • Detergent (Soap)
  • Matches or lighter 
  • Gas
  • Hose
  • Container 
  • Water


  1. Get your equipment
  2. Put your safety glasses on
  3. fill the container with water 
  4. Put some detergent in the water
  5. Connect the hose to the gas tap and the other end goes in the container with the water and detergent
  6. Turn on the gas tap
  7. Tie up your hair if its long
  8. Wet your hands, up to your elbows 
  9. With two hands scoop the bubbles.
  10. Extend your arms in front of your face
  11. DO NOT pull your hands away 
  12. Set the bubbles on fire with your lighter 
  13. To get rid of the fire slowly open your hands into the iron man pose. 

This is what I mean by the two last Instruction

I saw
I saw a bold bright orange fire.

I heard
I heard the bubbles blowing, and I head fire whoosh 

I smelled
I smelt burnt silicone as the fire goes away

I felt
I felt terrified because I thought the fire was gonna go everywhere

Friday, February 19, 2021

My Hero

Kia ora everyone!

2 days ago we have been talking about who are our hero's are and who were the hero's of the world is. Like the people who have saved the world such as Jacinda Ardern. The hero I chose was my mum, it was because she has done so many things for me. And then after we drew our hero, we had to put words that suit the person that we drew.